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Global energy demand has risen sharply over the past decade. The reasons for this include economic growth, population growth and the industrialisation of developing countries. Such energy demand must be met in the most stable and sustainable way possible, using renewable energies (Proton OnSite, 2016). 

Variable electricity generation is a common phenomenon when dealing with renewable resources e.g. wind and sun. Thus, there can be a mismatch between the energy generated and the consumption patterns, leading to the fact that the energy is not necessarily produced at the time it is needed. Furthermore, due to the decentralised and widespread energy generation by renewable sources, the energy is not necessarily produced in places with demand. 

Energy Storage Systems decouple energy production and consumption, and therefore, can help balance the system by storing energy available at the moment, which is not immediately needed, for future use (Distributed Control Methods and Cyber Security Issues in Microgrids, 2020).  

Problems to be solved

Indirect by increased renewable energy integration:

Fossil-fuel energy productionCarbon emissionsDetrimental air qualityFossil-fuel dependency

Directly through storage solutions:

Voltage and frequency regulationGrid instabilityGeographical imbalancesPeak shavingEfficiency of renewablesUtilisation rate of renewable production

City Context

The composition of the electricity price can influence the economic performance of an energy storage system. 

Legal regulations have a huge influence and can promote or inhibit storage systems in countries, regions, and cities. 

Since electricity storage is mainly related to renewable energies, proximity to a renewable energy plant ensures a holistic approach to maximise emission savings within the drawn boundaries. For example, the electricity generated by a wind turbine or photovoltaic system can be stored in a storage system.

Supporting Factors

  1. Prevalence of local renewable energy sources (wind/solar/CHP operated with renewable energies)
  2. Grid modernisation, such as the transition to smart grids, helps to integrate electricity storage systems
  3. Local regulations that support energy storage systems (see Government Initiatives)

Government Initiatives

The economic performance of many energy generation and storage technologies depends heavily on the regulatory framework, especially concerning taxes and levies. Climate policy and CO2 price implications have the potential to push low carbon emission technologies. Then, the allowance price is added to the variable costs of each fossil-based technologies. For example, several European countries have a carbon tax. Portugal, Sweden, Spain and Poland are just a few examples (taxfoundation, 2020). 

There have been several EU initiatives on batteries, such as Batteries Europe, SET Plan action, BRIDGE projects on batteries or the BATSTORM project (European Commission, 2020). 

Most countries in the EU lack a specific support mechanism for energy storage systems, although some have implemented specific measures. In Germany, for example, there is a subsidy program for distributing battery storage systems. It aims to ensure that solar PV systems have a greater benefit to the overall system by smoothing their export. While some energy storage solutions are commercially viable without subsidies, larger infrastructure-heavy projects, such as larger-scale pumped storage plants, currently struggle to attract investment due to the high revenue risk (cms, 2018).

Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder Map Energy Storage

Stakeholder Map of an energy storage system (BABLE, 2021)

Market Potential

There are many projections for the future energy storage market. Some of these differ significantly, but one statement can be found in all projections: the energy storage market will grow. A study by Deloitte (2018) identifies various drivers for this growth:

  • Decreasing costs for storage technologies
  • Improving performance
  • Grid modernisation and grid complexity will increase
  • More renewable energies will be installed (regional to global)
  • Participation of storage systems in wholesale electricity markets
  • Financial incentives that support the use of storage technologies will be put in place
  • Low or declining feed-in-tariffs (FITs) for renewables rise incentives for self-consumption of produced electricity
  • Rising desire for self-sufficiency (energy autarchy), resilience or independence among consumers
  • National regulations and policies promoting storage solutions to tackle specific challenges such as import dependency, fill gaps in generation mix, move toward environmental goals and de-carbonisation targets
  • Energy storage will also likely benefit from broad policy mandates linked to urbanisation and quality-of-life goals in developing nations

In 2019, the global demand for energy storage systems amounted to 194.32 GW (Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2020). According to Bloomberg NEF, the energy storage market will cumulatively grow to 943 GW or 2,857 GWh by 2040. From 2018 to 2040, $620 billion will be invested in energy storage. By 2040, energy storage is expected to grow to account for 7% of total global installed electricity capacity. Initially, much electricity storage will be installed behind the meter, but by the mid-2030s, the majority of storage is expected to be in the utility-scale sector. The development of the market in the individual countries can be seen in the following figure (BloomberggNEF, 2018).

Figure: Projected global cumulative storage deployment by country 2018-2030 (Deloitte, 2018)

Cost Structure

The costs for storage capacities are crucial for an energy system based on significant shares of renewable energy. The figure below presents an overview with specific prices per kWh for various electricity storage technologies in recent years. This incorporates battery systems, power to X technologies (electrolysis in brown colour), and pumps storage plants (pumped hydro in yellow colour) as the currently most utilised solution. The dependency between price and cumulative installed capacity is shown on the horizontal axes. Thus, a correlation between the installed capacity and cost reductions can be observed.

Figure: Experience curves for the costs and cumulative installed capacities of different electrical storage technologies (Schmidt, Hawkes, Gambhir, & Staffell, 2017)

In addition to the historic reduction of specific costs of electrical storage capacities, further cost reductions are expected. Studies project that Levelised Cost of Storages (LCoS) will reduce at least by one-third to one-half by 2030 and 2050. Moreover, it is expected that lithium ion will likely become more cost efficient for nearly all stationary battery applications from 2030 onwards (Schmidt, Melchior, Hawkes, & Staffell, 2019). The effect of cost reductions is not solely caused by economy of scale but also by the maturity-level of the technologies. A projection about the development of LCoS is given in the following figure.

Figure: Projected future costs of electrical storage technologies (Schmidt, Hawkes, Gambhir, & Staffell, 2017)

Operating Models

Operating model of an energy storage system (BABLE, 2021)

Legal Requirements

EU level

France (Norton Rose Fullbright, 2019)

  • Energy Transition Law: sets ambitious 2030 targets for renewable energy in France, energy storage as a necessity to achieve environmental policy objectives

Netherlands (Norton Rose Fullbright, 2019)

  • Dutch Climate Act
  • Climate Accord

The creation of this solution has been supported by EU funding

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