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Challenge / Goal

Truck emissions are directly related to the amount of time a truck spends at the terminal. Traditionally, long wait times at terminals lead to excessive idling, contributing to higher emissions and environmental degradation. The primary goal of the technology was to reduce truck idle times and streamline container handling at the terminal, thereby improving efficiency for truck drivers and significantly reducing the environmental impact in the surrounding community. By cutting down turn times, Massport aimed to tackle both operational inefficiencies and environmental challenges. 


Over the past decade, turn times at Conley Terminal have been cut by over 40% through innovative solutions like the Forecast Mobile Lite app. The mobile application allows terminal customers to access container availability information before arriving at the terminal, significantly reducing the time trucks spend idling and waiting at the terminal gate, thereby minimizing emissions and improving air quality in the surrounding community.

The app allows users to search containers by Bill of Lading or container number, view release and availability status, and add containers to a "Watch List," providing essential information before arriving at the terminal. They implemented the app at Conley Terminal and made it available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play, facilitating broad adoption.


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Service providers

Tideworks Technology

End users

The port workers and terminal customers (trucking services)

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