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Challenge / Goal

The primary challenge in Savannah was the deteriorating air quality due to emissions from heavy port operations, including trucks and ships. This environmental issue posed significant health risks, particularly respiratory problems, for the residents of nearby neighborhoods. The goal was to create a collaborative framework that could effectively address these issues and improve overall air quality. Another objective was to enhance the understanding and involvement of the community in environmental and public health decision-making processes. The project also aimed to build trust between the port authorities and the affected communities, which had been strained by historical grievances. Achieving these goals required a comprehensive approach to communication, education, and mutual understanding.


The project commenced with a comprehensive Needs Assessment, which included tours of the port and terminal facilities to provide stakeholders with a firsthand understanding of the issues. This assessment involved key stakeholders such as GPA staff, community leaders, and local government officials, who engaged in discussions about their concerns and goals. Based on these interactions, a draft collaboration plan was created, outlining shared goals and desired outcomes. The project included three site visits with in-person training sessions, covering topics like Port Operations 101, Effective Community Engagement, and Leadership Skills-building. These trainings were designed to educate community leaders on port operations and equip them with the tools to advocate for their interests. The collaborative approach aimed to create a unified action plan focused on improving air quality and public health in the affected communities.


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Georgia Port Authority, Port of Savannah, Harambee House, Inc./Citizens for Environmental Justice (Harambee House)

Service providers

Harambee House, Inc./Citizens for Environmental Justice (Harambee House)

End users

Community leaders, City of Savannah, Georgia Port Authority and port-related, industry and agency partners

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