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Challenge / Goal

The primary challenge faced by the Port of Oslo was the noise pollution generated by its 24/7 operations, which affected nearby residential areas. As a major hub for both goods and passenger transport, the port experiences constant activity, including the docking of ships, heavy machinery moving cargo, and vehicles transporting goods. The port's goal was to mitigate noise pollution to comply with regulations and to be a good neighbor, balancing the need for growth in maritime transport with environmental and community concerns. The initiative aimed to reduce the negative impact on local residents while allowing the port to continue its vital economic functions.

  • Installation of Noise Meters: A noise meter was placed at Sydhavna to continuously monitor noise levels from port activities. Specific noise measurements for certain operations are also conducted regularly to ensure compliance with standards.
  • Development of Buffer Zones: The port created buffer zones, such as the Bekkelagsbadet activity park, which act as barriers between the port and residential areas. These zones not only reduce noise but also serve as recreational spaces for the community.
  • Selection of Quieter Equipment: To further limit noise, the Port of Oslo invested in low-noise equipment, such as quieter cranes and other machinery, particularly at the container terminal on Sjursøya.
  • Engagement with Stakeholders: Continuous dialogue with local residents and stakeholders was established through feedback forms, allowing the port to address concerns and maintain transparency regarding noise reduction efforts.
  • Relocation of Noisy Operations: Some activities, like container handling, were moved to more remote areas of the port, away from residential zones, minimizing the impact on local communities.
  • Scheduling of Activities: Port operations were adjusted to limit the most noise-intensive activities during nighttime hours (23:00–07:00), ensuring a quieter environment during periods of rest.

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Port of Oslo, surrounding communities, residents, shipping companies

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